Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Meaning of Life

Life is a process that keeps on going no matter what happens. Anything that seems to be so miserable shall pass and everything that seems to be happy will end. Unlike in the drama, there is no such thing as happy ending or sad ending. There is always life after that. There are lives after graduation, there are lives after marriage, and there are lives after lives.

Everything that comes into lives is just a point in the process of continuum, so just take everyday as it comes and do our best in that point in process. The world is not going to explode if you are called 'disabled' or if you are 'crippled', whatever it is, lives have not yet to end. Until we pass away shall we know the very end of our lives, so don't give up, just hang on to dear lives till we see the last scence where we shall sleep tight.

1 comment:

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