Mu Pad Prig King
1. sliced pork
2. Thai chilli paste (Pad Prig King paste)
3. fish sauce
4. oyster sauce
5. capsicum
6. onion
How to:
1. Stir fry chilli paste with half a cup of cooking oil. Add pork and other ingredients. Taste it. Add whatever you like.
Kao Pad MuThis is one of the first my dishes.
1. sliced pork2. garlics3. pepper4. fish sauce5. oyster sauce6. soy sauce7. salt8. sugar9. onion10. tomatoHow to:Chop up garlics very fine and fry it with sliced pork in cooking oil. Then add in slices of onions and tomatoes. Stir them all up and flavor with all the sauce. Tips: Use lots of garlics and white pepper. This is where the main flavor comes from.